Action’s More Powerful

Actions Can Be More Powerful Than Words

Often we can spend more time talking about what we are or what we’re going to do, then actually being that way or doing that thing.

Words create a story, stories create our future.

That’s powerful… For better and for worse.

We can tell ourselves a false story enough times, that we begin to believe it to be true, without evidence of it happening.

The problem arises, when our actions are removed from our words, or in direct opposition of our words.

We may be able to convince ourselves of a story, and even convince others for a while.

In due time, our actions will reveal the truth.

It can be easy to forget that words influence actions.

Actions are the real winner.

It’s important to use those words to state intentions, and back those words primarily with action.

Actions are what makes the true statements.

In the words of Tywin Lannister “Any man who must say ‘I am the king’, is no true king.”

The best way to let the world, and yourself, know that you are something, is to be that thing.

To do the thing. Take the action. Step into that role.

Use words, mantras, and language to power your actions.

And remember to take action, more than you talk.

We’re ten days into the new year… Are you mostly talking the talk, or have you actually started walking the walk?

Step to it! 😁

Go forth and be awesome! 😎

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