What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong?

Literally. Seriously.

It’s an important question to ask when we embark on any new endeavor.

What can go wrong?

What struggles will I likely face?

Where am I most likely to want to give up?

What are my limitations and boundaries for moving forward?

We all know that every journey has ups, downs, and plateaus.

Taking a moment to accept that, and plan for them while we’re removed from them is powerful.

It allows us to create simple plans, and metrics to utilize when that struggle hits.

If we imagine that everything will go swimmingly, we are more likely to give up, fuck up, or freak out when adversity hits.

By accepting that things may get rough, and planning for it, we give ourselves more confidence to move forward, and take action (or not) when it matters most.

We’re just over two weeks into the New Year, and we’ve all likely hit at least one bump in the road? Have you planned for more?

Are you prepared to push through, when resistance sinks in?

Go forth and be awesome! 😎

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