Words -> Stories -> Decisions -> Results

We hear a ton about positive self talk and the power of words these days.

And there’s a deep truth to what we hear.

Yet, it’s easy to pass off as silly, or useless.

Often because it is very easy to ignore our words, and let negative talk overwhelm us.

Also, because it can often seem like hippy bullshit in the eyes of our culture.

At it’s root, it’s very simple.

Every decision we make, and action we take creates the future.

The words we say internally, and externally create stories in our heads, and to the people around us.

When we say things to and about ourselves, we begin to make decisions in line with those words… Which in turn creates the exact future we spoke to ourselves.

When others hear our words continually, they begin to believe them as well, and will view us and treat us accordingly.

Simple cause and effect, and it begins with how we talk to ourselves and others.

Talk positive, more likely to create a positive situation.

The same is true of negative.

Soooooooooooooo…It’s your choice.

Go forth and be awesome! 😎

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