Quora: July 16th

You may or may not have heard of Quora. It is a website where people go to ask questions, and others go to answer those questions. You can ask anything you want and tag it into various categories.

I’ve been hopping on here every now and again to engage with others. See how people are answering questions. It allows me to learn directly from their responses, or even indirectly by picking up on common trends in how people think and how that relates to how I think and more importantly how I teach. It allows me an opportunity to help people that are looking for answers that I may be able to help.

It also forces me to get my information out there for critique. There is something refreshing about allowing others to judge your work, challenge your answers, and learn from the experience.

I think it’s a great site and instructors, coaches, business owners, specialists, etc… should get on and engage. Put answers out there. Lend your knowledge. Help others and get challenged in the process.

I answered quite a few tonight but I figured I would share a few of those questions and answers here.

Question #1: Why are gun bearers in public (concealed carriers) not concerned that their guns can be stolen from their body or car then turned on them?

My Answer: Many people on here are stating that it is highly unlikely. That may be true, however it is plausible. Any responsible gun owner should be taking measures to secure their weapon at all times. Not only from criminals but others that do not know how to safely handle the weapon (kids, family members, friends, etc…). If they do not constantly ensure the security of their weapon, they are negligent and irresponsible.

Many people are stating that concealed means it can’t be seen. Again, this is semi true. If the carrier is properly concealing their weapon, as they should, then this is most likely a true statement. However, many people do not in fact conceal weapons well. The weapon’s outline can be visible at times (printing), the carrier may be constantly grabbing at clothing near the weapon to make sure it’s secure which is a dead giveaway to anyone looking for it, or something may happen that reveals the weapon (tripping and falling, struggle with an attacker, etc…). These are all very real possibilities. Again, things every carrier should be considering and making sure to manage properly.

Many people on here are stating that a simple retention holster will do the trick for anyone that decides to open carry. This can certainly be helpful, but again, only mitigates some of the threat. Many people do not in fact buy appropriate retention holster for their weapon. Some but holsters they think have good retention but are actually very easy to defeat or break (like a serpa.. broken several in training). They also are not taking into effect that none of these solutions keep your gun secured if I knock you unconscious first. If you carry a gun and don’t secure it properly and don’t have the requisite unarmed skills to defend the weapon, this is also a possibility.

I teach self defense for a living and I personally know three people that have had guns stolen out of their vehicles and one person that has their weapon taken from their person (and luckily wasn’t killed in the process). Yes, it may be unlikely, but it’s not much less unlikely than most carriers having to actually use their weapons in self defense. That doesn’t mean you don’t carry it. The goal is to never have to use it, but you carry just in case that 1% chance you do. So if you carry you should be concerned about the 1% chance it could get taken from you.

To answer your question, responsible gun owners that have been educated properly so in fact concern themselves with these things. They take necessary steps to mitigate the risk. However, many do not, and it is just out of ignorance. This we have to accept.

Anything can happen. Even if there’s only a 1% chance, that means it has happened before and can happen to you.

Train often, train realistically, stay safe.

Question #2: Should you continue a workout routine the next day if your muscles are sore or not?

My Answer: This is actually a more complex question than most would think.

In the majority of cases, moving will actually help to break through soreness. The level of intensity will be determined by your experience, how sore you are, what muscles are sore, whether your body is used to strenuous activity, how much sleep you got, what food you are, whether you did anything for mobility (foam rolling, stretching, etc), and what kind of activity you intend to do.

Soreness is an expected piece of any person new to a fitness journey. When you’re first starting out you want to start slow, doing only 2–3 days a week and listening to your body. As time goes on you want to gradually increase that volume. If you’re new take your time and if you’re extremely sore, it may be best to move, but it will not be best to go 100%. It’s best to consult with a good coach and journal all of your workouts and how you felt after. Really get to know how your body responds to soreness.

For experienced athletes, it’s a bit different. Soreness is part of training. You get to know how your body responds to soreness, when you can push and when you can’t. For me personally, I know when to push, when to go easy, and when to rest. But that sense was developed over 18 years of training.

If the soreness is very intense and coupled with dizziness, swelling, or brownish/redish urine, you need to consult a physician. There’s a chance you have a case of rhabdo and will need treated for that.

If it’s very tender, but no other symptoms arise, you may just need a trip to the hot tub, a brisk walk or jog, and some good rest. Welcome to training.. it gets better, I promise.

Question #3: How can I get knockout power for a street fight?

My Answer:  The most powerful punch, is the one that lands on target. “Knockout power” is only effective if you actually hit your target. No matter how hard you can hit a heavy bag, it’s not the same as hitting a moving target. Especially is an area that will knock the person out.

If you throw the hardest punch you possibly can and it hits the person in the hard part of the skull, you’ll most likely fracture bones in your hand before you knock them out.

True “knockout power” comes from a combination of strength, speed, precision, mobility, vision, hand-eye coordination, timing, and experience.

Unless you outweigh the guy by 120lb and they are a terrible fighter. Then just overwhelm them. Size does in fact matter.

All that said, fighting in the streets is dumb. If you’re defending yourself, then try to run away, if you can’t run away, then cheat to win. But if you’re going it looking for fights, you’re not real smart

Question #4: Are weightlifters dumb when it comes to knowledge outside their specialty?

My Answer: It depends. Some are brilliant and know lots of things not only in their world of Weightlifting but outside it. Others are completely ignorant.

Don’t group them into one category. Instead, analyze the individual. What is their history, their knowledge, their ability.

Question #5: What are some martial arts myths still believed?

My Answer: That techniques win fights

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